Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Temporary Fix for ALC

A temporary fix has been made to solve compatibility issues with Advanced Layered Clothing with the new 6M62 release. You can download it here.

 The issue was the result of a bug introduced in the new Inform 7 which breaks (in place of...) headings. Unfortunately the AIF Toolkit relies on these headings to ensure everything works smoothly, so Simpler AIF and Advanced Layered Clothing had to be clumsily stitched together.

This also means that other parts of the AIF Toolkit are probably broken as well, if you are using any of the other optional extensions. However, the following should work:

1) Copy that extension's source code into your source code.

2) Delete any instances of "(for use with Advanced Layered Clothing by Another Wannabe)", but only that part.

3) If there are any instances of "(for use without Advanced Layered Clothing by Another Wannabe)", comment out the heading and everything below it, including sub-headings.

I'm hoping that there will be a new release fairly soon that will fix these issues. If not, I'll try and release a less haphazard fix.


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